Sunday, August 25, 2019


We watched the Kaboom show on Monday.  This show was about percussion and all the different ways we can make sounds, with our bodies and with everyday objects.
Kat and Josh were great fun, the children were very engaged, and there was even a little bit of magic in the show.

Drumming on Mitre 10 buckets

The magic eggs 

Drumming on chairs

Drumstick tricks

Here is some Kaboom writing some children did:

I liked the dress ups and eggs.
By Gloria.

I liked the cup one.
By Ky.

I liked the magic cups.
By Dontae.

The best part was the magic sticks.
By Elisha.

I liked it when they did the magic.
They moved the cups around and the water did not spill.
By Eden.

I liked when Theo was the magician giving Kat the rattling eggs.
It was fun.
By Nessie.

I liked it when Cat and Josh were making tricks with the cups. 
The drums were loud.
By Samantha.

I liked the drums and Kaboom.
By Brodie.

I liked watching the drums.
I liked it when they dropped the drumsticks.
By Isaiah.

Winter is Coming

We have been exploring ideas about the coming of winter, leaves falling off trees, and how this happens. Our poem this week was about winter...