Maths - Pāngarau

Here is a maths scavenger hunt.
See if you can do all the problems!

Find 2 pencils and a crayon.
How many do you have now?

Find 5 blocks and 2 cars.
How many do you have now?
Take away 3 blocks.
How many do you have left?

Find 4 socks and 2 soft animals.
How many do you have altogether?

Ask Mum or Dad to make 8 carrot sticks.
Eat 4 of them.
How many do you have left?

Find 3 spoons, 4 books, and 1 crayon.
How many things do you have altogether?

Here are some more ideas to support mathematical thinking
Maths is not only about number knowledge.  It is also about patterning, sorting, measuring, grouping, shapes, and counting.  It is also about understanding concepts such as position, time, and money.
To support the development of mathematical thinking you could:

  • play board games such as snakes and ladders (numbers, position - up/down, counting)
  • sorting toys (a great way to tidy up!)
  • sharing food to ensure equal portions  (cutting a pizza is great for half, quarter)
  • card games - pairs, memory, snap
  • puzzles
  • making a map of the house - great for understanding position
  • baking - measuring
  • measuring using different units of measurement (blocks, a tape measure, a ruler) 
  • pouring water into different sized containers - eg one short and wide, one tall and narrow - which one has the most? 
  • matching socks from the washing basket
  • playing Simon Says using positions (on, over, under, etc).

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