Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday 20 April

KiaOra Koutou
Here is today's mahi.  I have enjoyed seeing all your work and hearing your voices!

Letter Sounds
Hear it, then say it!
Practice the letter sounds of the alphabet. You can find the sounds here on the blog:
Practice finding the beginning sounds of things you can see around you - b-b-bed, t-t-table. Make a collection of some things and record yourself saying the beginning sounds.

Floating and Sinking
Find some different things to put in water.
You might have a tennis ball, a marble, a pencil, a toy car, a shell a leaf... you can choose your things.
Now let's see which one floats and which ones sink!
Tell me about what you discover about what floats and sinks.
You can take a photo and post onto Seesaw, or you can record your ideas.

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